Policy Writing
CO2-Secure: A National Program to Deploy Carbon Removal at Gigaton Scale, Project Lead and Co-author
Zero, Then Negative: The Congressional Blueprint for Scaling Carbon Removal, co-authored sections 1 & 8 and authored sections 9 & 10 in tech-based solutions, published by Carbon180 and written as part of my Senior Policy Fellowship
Transition Book: Priorities for Administrative Action on Carbon Removal in 2021+, contributor focused on tech-based solutions and their regulation, published by Carbon180 and part of my work as a Senior Policy Fellow
Establishing Climate Change Resilience in the Great Lakes in Response to Flooding, co-authored with Gwen Gallagher and Ryan Duncombe, published in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance
Scientific Publications
“Demonstration of the Photothermal Catalysis of the Sabatier Reaction Using Nickel Nanoparticles and Solar Spectrum
Light.” Timothy McCormick Steeves, and Aaron Esser-Kahn. RSC Advances 11., (February 23, 2021): 8394-97
“Photon Upconversion for the Enhancement of Microfluidic Photochemical Synthesis.” Wu, M., B. A. Moser, T. M.
Steeves, A. Figueroa, B. M. Wallace, S. T. Kim, A. P. Esser-Kahn, and R. C. Steinhardt. RSC Advances 9, no. 45 (August
19, 2019): 26172–75. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9RA03468D.
“Photothermal Nanoparticle Initiation Enables Radical Polymerization and Yields Unique, Uniform Microfibers with
Broad Spectrum Light.” Steinhardt, Rachel C.†, Timothy Steeves†, Brooke Marjorie Wallace, Brittany Moser, Dmitry A
Fishman, and Aaron P Esser-Kahn. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, October 17, 2017.
†Authors share equal credit